Keeping A High-Level Technology Adviser On Staff Can Be Very Expensive.

Creating a technology roadmap, implementing new business platforms and juggling multiple technology budgets can be a challenge even for

the largest businesses, so how can a small business that is always strapped for time and resources hope to perform at the same level? Having the extra brain power of a senior technology executive is likely to be overkill for small- to medium-sized businesses, but that doesn’t have to mean that you give up on the dreams of integrated systems and advanced technology. Instead, consider working with a vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) from White Knight IT to cover the excess capacity needed to drive these important initiatives forward.

A vCIO is able to become a remote asset for your business, bringing a laser focus and a great deal of targeted knowledge to specific technology projects around your organization.

Some of the services a vCIO provides for your organization:

  • Strategic Planning: From technology roadmaps and budgeting to resource alignment and vendor selection, your vCIO will work closely with existing internal staff and vendors to assure that your business is creating a sustainable competitive advantage with their technology spend.
  • IT Staff Development: Your vCIO will manage overall accuracy, accountability and output, while ensuring that internal and external stakeholders are kept in the loop.
  • Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Planning and Execution: Don’t wait for disaster to strike to begin identifying a recovery strategy. Instead, plan ahead to assure that your business retains competitive advantage and ongoing system integrity.
  • Policy and Service Level Agreement Development and Review: Effectively communicate your SLAs within and outside the organization while maintaining accountability and governance in a meaningful way with documented levels of service.
  • IT Vendor Sourcing and Management: Create true partnerships with your vendors when the relationship is actively balanced and optimized.
  • Client Business Reviews: Let us take care of regularly-scheduled technical business reviews with clients so you can focus on making your business more competitive for the future.

With a vCIO at your side, you’re no longer tied to a paradigm of choosing whether to upgrade a particular platform or to keep three others running at barely-acceptable levels. Instead, leveraging a vCIO provides you with the space that you need to be strategic and focus on the innovative solutions that will catapult you ahead of the competition for years to come.

Contact White Knight IT today to learn more about our vCIO offerings.